
An Ode to Quintessential Parents

In the realm of love, where bonds are true,

There's a guiding force, forever shining through.

With hearts so selfless, their love does unfold,

A testament to the purest gold.

Oh, parents dear, with hearts so kind,

In your embrace, solace we find.

You're the anchors in life's stormy seas,

Guiding us with wisdom and endless ease.

Through sleepless nights and countless tears,

You embraced our fears, calming all our cares.

Your tender touch, a soothing balm,

Turning our sorrows into love's sweet psalm.

With each sacrifice, both big and small,

You stood by our side, through it all.

You nurtured our dreams, with unwavering grace,

In your embrace, we found a sacred space.

You taught us values, integrity, and truth,

Moulding our character since our youth.

With patience and compassion, you lent an ear,

Understanding our joys and wiping every tear.

From teaching life's lessons to moments of play,

You brightened our lives, each and every day.

Your love knows no boundaries, no measure,

A priceless gift, a lifetime treasure.

So, here's to you, dear parents so dear,

In our hearts, your love shines clear.

With gratitude overflowing, we say it loud,

Thank you for being our eternal crowd.

In your love's embrace, we find strength anew,

For you, dear parents, our hearts beat true.

Today and forever, we sing our praise,

To the heroes of our lives, in countless ways.

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