

The gospel of Christ is worth dying for,
And worth loving for even more,
To live is gain, to die is gain,
This truth in our hearts shall remain.

It's not just a teaching, it's a revelation,
To those who believe, it's power and salvation,
To help birth new creations and add flavour to the earth,
Casting away death and sin, giving new birth.

I will not be ashamed of this gospel truth,
I'll shout it from hilltops, from age to youth,
I'll go wild about it, with all my might,
That I may reach out to their deep,
For it's my calling to reach out and ignite.

Let us boldly proclaim this truth and light,
To a world lost in darkness and in a fight,
For in this gospel, there's hope and peace,
And in Christ, all our struggles will cease.

The good news of how sin lost its victory,

From the day Christ was raised from death,

So, I'll begin to unashamedly proclaim,

Come what may!

For this is fuel for true living,
No matter how much they hate or strike,
I fear the One who has the power,
To destroy both body and soul alike.

Everything I am, everything I do,
Will scream out loud to the ends of the earth,
If even anyone can hear and believe this truth,
They'll be saved from eternal damnation and shame.

So let me shout it from the mountaintop,
That Christ is Lord and Saviour of all,
For in Him, we'll never stop,
Living a life that's full and tall.

I will not be ashamed of this gospel,
For it's my inheritance, it's my portion.
As a joint heir with the Son,
So you can be.

So Come, believe with heart and soul,
Confess with lips, and gain eternal life,
The Gospel's truth, the power that makes us whole,
For Christ has died and risen from the strife.

Let all the world hear of this Gospel's might,
And may its message bring us all to light.

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Articles, Poem
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