New Year Goals

The New Year is a blank canvas waiting for you to paint your masterpiece. It’s like being given a blank check and asked to fill up whatever amount of money you will need.  Doesn’t that feel thrilling? But then how do you make sure your goals are not just dreams but achievable realities?


An intensive online project aimed at empowering young Africans aged 18 to 35 with essential skills, leadership
development, and career coaching to prepare them for the future of work.

Education is Light!

In a world of endless opportunity,
Education is a guiding light, you see.
A key to unlock knowledge’s door,
Where dreams are born and spirits soar.

Quintessential Learning

Learning is a lifelong endeavour, a journey that transcends the confines of formal education and extends to every phase of our existence. Quintessential learning encapsulates the most fundamental and essential aspects of learning. It’s the pursuit of knowledge, skills, and wisdom that resonate profoundly within us, shaping our perceptions, actions, and contributions to the world.

Regulating Mental Health Successfully: A Vital Guide for Optimal Well-Being

Mental Health

Sharon had always been an extremely hardworking businesswoman. But when the pressure of her business started to mount, she found it more difficult to concentrate and an intense feeling of dread crept up in her. She started withdrawing from friends, isolating herself from family and generally stopped caring for her wellbeing.


Imagine a person of exceptional character, someone whose presence radiates authenticity, integrity, and goodness. This is the essence of quintessential character – embodying virtues that inspire and uplift. In a world often consumed by material pursuits and fleeting pleasures, quintessential character represents the pinnacle of human goodness, a state where virtues are not just practiced but embodied, where actions speak louder than words. Quintessential character encapsulates a rare blend of virtues that define an individual’s moral compass and guide their actions.

Building Quintessential Relationships

Quintessential relationships are the connections that bring out the best in us, where both individuals support, cherish, and grow together. It’s all about trust, communication, and shared values. But what really sets them apart is the ability to embrace each other’s uniqueness without judgment.

Thriving Solo

Being single doesn’t mean you’re missing out. In fact, it’s an incredible opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and unleashing your true potential. Let’s explore some powerful ways to make the most of your single journey.

Building a Quintessential Family in the 21st Century

Quintessential Families

In a world where the definition of a family is continually evolving, the concept of a quintessential family remains a powerful and cherished ideal. Quintessential families are families striving towards wholesomeness and balance in all aspects.

An Ode to Quintessential Parents

In the realm of love, where bonds are true,

There’s a guiding force, forever shining through.
With hearts so selfless, their love does unfold,
A testament to the purest gold.


The gospel of Christ is worth dying for,
And worth loving for even more,
To live is gain, to die is gain,
This truth in our hearts shall remain.

Motherhood’s Reality

How beautiful it is to share creation with God,
A life within another life,
A heart within another heart,
And from one breath, another is formed.


Uncertain times are experiences we do not expect or plan for. They are times when hearts melt and hopes are raised in fear. Days when one is either tempted to bow to an unseen adversary or muster up one’s strength and wrestle one’s way through. At such times we don’t know what exactly will happen and how events are likely to turn out, especially when it’s not appearing pleasant.