
Education is Light!

In a world of endless opportunity,
Education is a guiding light, you see.
A key to unlock knowledge's door,
Where dreams are born and spirits soar.

With open minds and hearts to explore,
We embark on a journey of evermore.
Books and classrooms, teachers wise,
Learning lessons that open our eyes.

From ABCs to complex equations,
Education fuels our aspirations.
In classrooms filled with laughter and cheer,
We grow, evolve, year after year.

We seek knowledge, we thirst for more,
To widen our understanding's shore.
From the sciences to the arts profound,
Education fuels dreams that know no bound.

Through reading, writing, and endeavors grand,
Education shapes us, hand in hand.
It empowers minds and sets us free,
To chase our dreams with relentless glee.

So let us cherish this precious treasure,
Education's gift that knows no measure.
May it empower, enlighten, and ignite,
A brighter future, shining bright.

For in the realm of learning's embrace,
Lies the promise of a better place.
With education as our guiding star,
We reach for greatness, near and far.

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